Sunday, July 25, 2010

Good-bye to Social Networking

I am going through a "done-with-social-networking-phase". I feel like I am too out there for the world to see. Not that the world is looking but I need to back off a bit. I am not saying I am done for good. I am really stepping away bit by bit.

Starting with Twitter. In my mind its useless information. Why is it that I need to know what others think and feel every second of the day and why do I think they want to know what I think and feel every second of the day. I think Twitter is good for some companies to keep track of their employees and its a great marketing tool. I may be back when and if I start working for myself.

Next will be facebook. I will not get rid of my FB acct. I will minimize it as best I can. Starting with the pictures. I have way too many pictures up. I love how easy it is to stay connected and see what is going on in your loved ones lives but at this point my whole life is on fb. Time to take some albums down.

I am going to centralize my online life to this blog. Pictures will be posted as they are taken along with blurbs about what is happening in our life. I will then post a link to the post on fb so those who want to see can and those that dont can simply keep scrolling.

I am not sure what has brought this on but I do know it has been a long time coming. It could be because I am a hormonal mess or it could be that I just cant keep up with everything. I have so much going on in my real life that I cant and dont want to focus on the on-line life.

Blogging has been a great form of expression for me. I dont know who sees it and it really doesnt matter. I just like that I can get my thoughts out and go back and read them. Its the perfect way for my friends and family to keep up with us and see what is going on.

So for now I will take my time and clean up Facebook and have deleted my twitter acct. I may be back some day but for now I am done.

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