Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sooooo Big

No much to say tonight...I am wiped! So here are some videos of Shane. He is getting so big.

He is so close to crawling

He is saying da da, ba ba and cute and he farts on camera. No, its not me I swear.

He loves his food!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Seven Years Ago...

Tomorrow is my seven year anniversary. Seven years ago I married my one true love, my first love, my best friend! Together we have two beautiful boys. March 27, 2004 was the most important day of my life and I cherish every memory I have from that day.

Here is a little look back at the day...

 And our life over the past seven years. So much has happened and there is so much more to come.

The birth of our first son (July 21, 2004)

Our first anniversary. I made him this was the first one I ever decorated!

Our move to PA

Owen making the transition from crib to big boy bed

Another move to Black Rock, CT

First day of preschool

First "Real" big boy bed

Hosting our first Thanksgiving

Brian turns 30

and then there were four...

confirmation that we have a bean growing

 20 week ultrasound

20 weeks

30 weeks

41 weeks (four days before I gave birth)
 my baby shower

 in the hospital

waiting to give birth (after the epidural)

Here is is!!!! Our newest addition! Born on August 16, 2010

I look forward to many more years of happiness. Our life together has been amazing so far. Its been a roller coaster at times. During the hard times you never think its going to end. When it does you look back and think "man, that made us stronger". We are so strong as a family and will only continue to grow!!!

I cant wait to celebrate seven years of marriage with my husband and our boys tomorrow!!!

Joy of Luck 2011 - Day Seven "My Rainbow"

LAST DAY! I have to capture something that represents my rainbow. Something to look forward to in the future.

My Rainbow is my camera. I hope it will lead me to that lucky pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It brings me joy like seeing a rainbow does. Its my passion and hobby. Maybe someday it will be my job. I hope so!!!

This was alot of fun!!! I hope to do more of these. It made me think a little bit and pick up my camera.

I hope you enjoyed!!!
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