This was the first nice weekend we have had in MONTHS!!!! And it was full of activities. We had not a moment to rest the entire weekend.
SATURDAYWe woke up, did some laundry, I went for a walk, Brian went for a run, we showered and got ready for the events ahead. It was the perfect way to start a busy weekend (minus the laundry).
We attended a Surprise 60th Birthday party for a good friend of the family, Mike. He and my dad have been friends for 30+ years. Every childhood memory from birth to age 9 include this family. And after the age of 9 every other weekend was spent with the family. They have three kids that we grew up with. When I think about the times we had growing up it puts a smile on my face. We were young, free spirited, imaginative and just plain old kids!!!! I am envious of my childhood. I want Owen to have the same thing. Unfortunately we live in a day and age (and location) where he is not allowed the same freedom I was growing up.
It was really great to see everyone at this party. There are people that I havent seen in 20 years. I remember them all like it was yesterday. My father came up from Florida for the party. He was in his glory. He got to catch up with old friends that he hasnt seen in years. They traded memories, shared stories, and caught up. It was a good time had by all.
Owen spent the night with his cousin Evan. They two of them are thick as thieves. They spent the entire day outside!!! They havent gotten to do that since Fall. It has been so cold out. So when I realized that I sent him in his brand new white sneakers and had a moment of panic that they would be trashed, I was comforted by the fact that my boy was having a good time with his cousin playing out side. My motto, "the dirtier he gets the more fun he has". As long as he had fun that is all that matters. Auntie Ula took them to McDonalds for dinner. That is always a treat!!!!
SUNDAYWe picked up the boys after some coffee and munchkins and took them to my niece Victoria's 9th Birthday Party. The weather was again, beautiful so all the kids played outside all day. Evan came with us to the party and gave his mom some QT or should I say CT (cleaning time). The boys got to play with JoJo and all the other kids that where there. They played tag, swung on the swing set, hit the pinata and just had a great time.
There was one thing missing from that day. Though it was beautiful outside, and a celebration of Victoria's birth was going on, many of us were mourning the loss of a beloved family member.
SADIE LADYJoe and Angie had to make one of the hardest decisions there is to make in life.
Their beloved dog Sadie was diagnosed with skin cancer. She had growths all over her belly and chest. It was growing so rapidly they had to put her down. This was a hard decision because like their other dog Dash, Sadie has been with them through thick and thin. Through the birth of their two children

Getting Married

Buying a house
and many many more memories.
She was the best dog I have ever met. Because of her Owen has no fear of dogs (to a fault). Sadie was the dog that all the kids love. She was ONE OF THE KIDS!!! She took all of Vicky and Joey's toys and chewed them to bits.
If you were ever looking for her at a party all you had to do was check under the kitchen sink or behind a table somewhere. The dog was a fierce guard dog!!!
Angie and Joe...I know how much you are suffering right now. You are not alone. Sadie was loved by all of us. It was a sad, sad day yesterday being at your house with out that precious wrinkly face to say hi to. She will always live on in all of our hearts. I sit here with tears streaming down my face. My heart hurts for you and your family but I feel a sense of peace knowing she is in doggy heaven with Dash.
When we told Owen yesterday on the way to your house he was not sad because he knew that just because she isn't here and in his words "wont fall out of heaven" that she is in doggy heaven and will always be there. I know that kids his age cant fully grasp the permanence of death but what came out of his mouth comforted me because it was so true.
Sadie will be missed and always remembered. The following pictures were taken from Angie's facebook page. She captures Sadie perfectly in every picture!

RIP Sadie Lady! We miss you!!!