Saturday, May 28, 2011

Long Weekends and Toasts

So much is going on in our lives. Hence the lack of blogging! I believe in the saying "If you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all". So I say nothing. Lack of sleep and other things make it hard to stay positive. Everyday is a new day! What goes up must come down but it will go up again! I know that.

I get to start my long weekend celebrating my beautiful sisters wedding. We will gather tonight in Old Saybrook, CT at a beautiful castle overlooking the water to celebrate my sister and her new husband!!!!

It will be a beautiful night.

I get to toast my sister and her husband. Am I nervous, hell yes I am but I wrote a great speech with a little help from my hilarious husband! He added the funny parts because I am not that funny, more awkward than funny!

Grammy and Pepere are coming down to stay with the littles! I know they will be in good hands.

Sunday will be spent recuperating. We never go out so it will be a lazy day thats for sure. If I am feeling up to it I may have to take Owen out to the park or something.

Monday we will go to a parade and possibly the beach.

It will be a fun weekend! I am so glad summer is here! We are so fortunate to be so close to the beach.

Have a great weekend!

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