Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I woke up this morning and it was pouring out. My first thought was this is great. Its the perfect day for a nap. I need a nap after the night I  had. As time went by I wanted a cup of coffee. So I had myself a cup of coffee. Brian was home today. He was not feeling good so he took a sick day. So we had another cup of coffee. Two cups later and all hopes of a nap were out the window. It was a quiet, peaceful day with out a nap.

At some point this afternoon we heard our UPS guy pull up. Then a knock on the door. I was not sure what Brian ordered. I was not expecting anything for me. Well to my surprise I was wrong. My clever husband accessed my Amazon wish list and pulled these. I love them.

Who needs a car when you have galoshes. They came in handy on a day like today. My feet were dry!!!! Next I need to find a matching rain coat and a yellow umbrella and I will be in good shape. I will be one stylin, car-less chick walking her boy to school in the rain!


I realized that it has been way too long since I have picked up my camera. Why, I could not tell you. Its my passion and I have been letting it sit there for weeks. Well today I felt inspired to pick it up and shoot. So I set up a mini shoot with Shane. It felt good!!!

Look at this face!!! I could have shot him all day long!

He was upset that he could not have my camera. He wanted to play with it and the strap. Poor guy! He got over it once I picked him up and gave him some kisses and a different toy.


Tomorrow is St. Patrick's day. Owen is marching in the parade with his school. I am going to march with him. I cant wait!!!! So there will be plenty of pics to come.

Have a great night!

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