Its not always rainbows and unicorns but for the most part I love it more than anything. Yes, there are other things I need in my life to call my own like a career, friends and hobbies but I am right where I want to be.
Shane is so loved by so many people. He has had so many visitors over the past six weeks.
Shane, you are so lucky to be loved by so many!!!!

We are still trying to pump a little here and there so he can be bottle fed. It gives me a break. I must say, its hard to pump. I try to do a few ounces a day.
Brian, Joe, Angie and the boys went crabbing down the street from us. The boys loved every moment of it (both young and old).
They caught about eight crabs. Joe seasoned some water so we could cook them. I passed on the crab for the evening but it was pretty neat that they went down the street, caught crabs, cooked them and ate them for dinner.
I have myself a little helper. Victoria is my niece. She is almost ten now and quite the helper. I spent the day with her while everyone was crabbing. It was so nice. We chit, chatted all day. Girl time was nice. I cant believe how big she is now!!!! She was born the year after I met Brian. I remember when Angie was pregnant with her. Its been so amazing to see how she has grown over the past ten years. Angie and Joe have done such a great job with their kids!!!
Victoria held Shane for hours while he slept on her. She put him to sleep and did so good. When it was time for him to wake up and stay awake she did that too. I remember being ten and so in love with babies. I know when she gets a little older she will be such a great babysitter. For now she is a wonderful mothers helper. I just wish we lived closer.
So we have been really busy lately. Owens social schedule is pretty crazy I tell you! I dont mind though. He loves it.
In our spare time we just putt putt around the house messing around.
Owen with his Terryville teeth (no offense if you live in Terryville).
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