The Story
On Monday, August 16, 2010 I woke up with cramps. I felt like I had to go to the bathroom. Owen and I came downstairs and had some breakfast. I went on about my morning with a little voice in the back of my head saying "this is it, today is going to be the day". Not really knowing if it was really going to be the day. I had been thinking everyday was the day since my due date (8/8/10) and even the weeks before. Something told me that what I was feeling real congtractions. Not braxton hicks or anything else. I texted Brian on and off all morning saying, these are real, never mind they are not, yes they are. Back and fourth all morning. I was so nervous to say it was really happening and then have the contractions stop.
They did not stop. In fact, the more I moved around the stronger they were. Brian was already on his way home but wanted me to sit down and relax so he could get home before anything happened. So Owen and I sat and watched a movie in my room. The contractions of course slowed down with me sitting. It was so hard not to run around the house and clean in preparation for Shanes arrival.
On his way home Brian stopped at McDonalds for breakfast. Its not the best thing to eat before going to the hospital to have a baby but it was soooooo good and I knew once I was there I would not be able to eat a thing. So we all sat on my bed and ate Egg McMuffins and hash browns. Owen thought it was the coolest thing because we never eat in bed. EVER!!!!
Once we were done I called the doctor. They wanted me to go right to the hosp because I was already 3 cm dilated before my contractions started. This was the safest thing. I wanted to wait for my in-laws to get there but there was no time.
We got to the hospital. As directed we went to the ER and were wheeled right up to the Maternity floor. I protested being wheeled up but its procedure. I walked in all high and mighty saying I would walk up. Yeah right! I gave in and was wheeled up.
They didnt know I was coming. After talking to the doctor I assumed the office would call to let them know I was coming. They took me into triage to see how dilated I was. Once the doctor checked me they realized I was five cm and 75% effaced. Basically I was where I needed to be to be admitted. I thought for sure I would have been sent home as the contractions were not showing up and were slowing down.
While I was in triage Brian and Owen waited for his parents to pick up Owen. Its so funny how attached I am to that boy. I wanted him to stay with me but they dont allow kids to be in that part of the maternity floor.
Once I was admitted and shown to my room I was ordered to walk around for at least an hour. I happily obliged. With in 20 min the contractions speed up and become very strong and very regular. Like minutes apart. They got so bad after an hour that I had to sit.
The nurse was in and out. For some reason my contractions were not showing up on the monitor but from the way I looked the nurse knew I was in pain. She also knew that I would be getting an epidural when the time was right so she went ahead and got the paper work in order for me to get it. By the time I asked for it I had it with in 15 minutes. It was smooth sailing from there.
I couldnt have asked for a better nurse. She was so friendly and nice. My doctor was amazing. They worked so well together. I was very pleased.
The anesthisiologist came in with her cart and I felt at ease. I knew how important it would be for me to work through the contractions and stay still as there was going to be a needle in my back. They asked Brian to leave the room for some reason. I was not happy about that and neither was he. Brian is my support system. He calms me by just being near. So I was uneasy with him gone and strangers around me trying to help me work through the contractions. I put those feelings aside and put my faith in my nurse who calmly had her hands on my shoulders and would tap them when ever they bunched up. I made it through that with no problems. They had to stick me twice but that was nothing.
I was in epidural heaven after that. I laid in bed with Brian at my side and we texted, facebooked and watched law and order for two hours. It was really nice and we enjoyed the quiet time together.
My doctor came in to check me a few hours later. It was approximately 5 pm. She said I was 10 cm dilated and ready to push. She had another woman in the room next to me that was going to need an emergency c-sec. So they sped me along. They wanted me to push when I felt pressure. I thought for sure I would have to wait for the epi to wear off.
Well I didnt, and when I felt pressure from my contractions I pushed. The first push the nurse said she saw his head. That was all I needed to hear. I pushed that kid out in five tries. It took 15 minutes. I was determined to get him out and hold him in my arms.
At 5:26 pm on Monday, August 16th I held my baby boy in my arms and was breathless. Weighing 9lbs 1oz and measuring 20.5 inches. I couldnt cry, I couldnt talk, I couldnt breathe. I just looked at him and then at Brian in awe. It was the most amazing feeling. I am so lucky to have had that feeling three times in my life. The first time was when the priest pronounced us man and wife on my wedding day, the second was when Owen was born and the third was this day when I looked into Shanes eyes. All I could think was how much he looked like Owen.
I held him for less than a minute while Brian cut the cord. Then they took him to clean him off and clear out his lungs. Because he was pushed out so fast he didnt have time to work any fluid out of his lungs. So they had to do it for him. It took an aganizing five minutes. Brian stayed by his side the whole time while they cleaned me up.
Once Shanes lungs were clear I held my precious boy in my hands and was more in love with my family then ever before. I fed him right away. He latched right on as if it were a match made in heaven and it was. We bonded and it was beautiful.
If you know me you know I am ALWAYS hungry! Well after birth is no exception. I was starving. So I hurried up to order my dinner as the kitchen was closing shortly. It was the best damn chicken sandwich and coke I have ever had!!! I ate like a champ the whole time I was in the hospital. The food at this hospital was great. Room service for three meals a day was great!!! I really didnt want to leave.
I am sad to say that I missed the moment I had been waiting for the whole nine months I was pregant. When they wheeled Shane and I to our new room they explained the once we were settled they would need to take him to the nursery for a bath and exam. I explained to them that my son was on his way and I wanted to wait for him to see his baby brother for the first time. Well Shane decided to take a poop that went up his back. Nice...typical Boissonneault!! So off he went only to meet his brother in the hallway. Luckily Brian was with Shane and Pepere was so kind to take pictures of the first meeting. I was so sad to have missed it but so happy to have Owen with me.
He was so excited to see me and full of questions. I had him sit in bed with me and ask away. He was all over the place. Wanted to know why I had needles in my arm, if I was hurt, why I had to stay in bed, etc. Then he had all kinds of stories to tell me about his day with Grammie and Pepere. He got to watch a movie on Pepere's iPad and play games on Pepere's iPhone. It was fun for him to wait for his brother.
Once Shane came back from the nursery Owen was so happy to hold him and be with him. I felt so complete to have my whole family together. It was such a special time for me.
We had our parents there with us too and that was very special. Brians parents had Owen with them and my parents came up with my grandfather. It was late so they didnt stay too long but luckily they were able to come.
The hospital stay was great but it was time to get home. We were discharged Wednesday morning the 18th. We were given the clean bill of health and on our way we went. Once we got home it was perfect. We all got time to settle in and relax. I immediately took a shower and got comfortable. Owen was so excited to just relax with his brother.
Seeing the two of them together makes me melt. I cant wait until Shane gives Owen a big smile and shows him how much he loves him. I know he does because everytime Owen comes into the room Shane listens to his voice and tries to find him. Its tricky to find Owen because he never stops moving.
Over the past few weeks we have had so many visitors. Shane is very loved!!!
It has taken me three weeks to complete this post, between writing it and editing the pictures. I love taking them but have had a hard time sitting down to go through them and edit them.
So much has been going on these past few weeks.
We are still adjusting to our new life. Everyday gets easier. Owen has been in school (when they have school) for two weeks now and it has gone amazingly!!!! He is listening and following the rules. I am so proud.
As for Owen letting me take pictures...well as you can see...this is how it goes. I have given up. I get good ones when he isnt looking.
Shanes belly button fell off about a week ago. He has such a cute belly button now.
I put him in the tub immediately. If he is fed and calm he loves it. He just looks around at everything he can.
We are breast feeding and that is going great. He eats alot which in turn means he poops a lot. A LOT!!! and all over everything.
I have been trying to adjust to pumping. I havent gotten the hang of it yet but I have managed to pump a few bottles so dad and big brother can feed him!
We had quite the heat wave last week. It was in the 90's and humid for a few days. It was hell to be honest. They closed school early one day. Well Shanes bottom didnt appreciate the heat and humidity either. He was raw from all the pooping. The heat made it worse. So one night we let him air out.
About two minutes after this picture was taken a funny thing happened. Remember how I said Shane poops a lot and all over everything. Well this was no exception. He let it rip and pooped right in dads hand!!! Good thing he had his hand right there and cupped. I just about died.
Big brother had fun with Shane before school the other day. He decided that he doesnt like the Red Sox anymore so wants Shane to have all his Sox stuff.
Shane is just so precious. I cant take it. He is such a good baby and just a joy to have in our house. He fits right in like he has always been here.
Can you tell I love baby feet ;)
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