Owen is entering his last week of school next week. We are so excited for it to be done. He has come so far this year and learned so much. When kids enter kindergarted they are so small and innocent. When they leave they just blend in with all the other kids and are so much more mature. He is finishing kindergarted and moving on to first grade.
My guy is getting so big!!! I cant even stand it. He will be going into first grade as a big brother and completely different kid than when he went into kindergarten. I am such a proud mama! He had his spring concert today! His homework last night was to practice singing his song. I had to get it on video. He is so damn cute. Sorry its sideways but you get the idea.
Look how embarssed he is. But he did so good and is so damn cute!!!
I am now 32 weeks. This pregnancy is just flying by!
I feel like I am ready to meet my little guy but at the same time, I am not ready at all. I cant even believe that I am going to have two kids in two months.
I couldnt be happier with where I am in my life. I love my family more than anything in the entire world. I am right where i am meant to be and wouldnt have it any other way. I think I was born to be a mom and wife. As with everything in life, its challenging at times but for the most part I am right where I belong.
The summer is just beginning. There are so many things to look forward to. Owen is starting summer camp in July. Its at the beach, he cant wait!!!
This is the summer of firsts for him. He is learning how to ride his bike without training wheels. He had bike safety day at school where all the kids got helmets and a few safety lessons. They also got a chance to ride around a course. We brought Owens bike and he didnt want to ride it. He wanted to try one with no training wheels. I said ok, go ahead and he did! Like it was nothing. So we have been practicing as much as we can. He is doing amazingly!!! I took pictures from a far. He didnt see me so the pressure was off.
Now we have to get him swimming and he will be all set!
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