Thanks to everyone who came!!! I cant begin to express how truely grateful I am for everyone!!!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Thankful for the People in my Life
I can not begin to express how grateful I am to have such wonderful friends and family. This past weekend I was shown just how loved I am. It was a great feeling. My best friend threw me a baby shower at J. Timothy's. It was perfect. I could not have asked for anything better. I walked into a room full of the people I love the most - Friends and family. The food was great, the gifts were more than I could have asked for. It was three hours of glee. It flew by and I was sad to have it end. It was a great way to celebrate and welcome our baby boy who will be here in approximately 40 days give or take. Here are some pictures from the day. It was fabulous and I will always remember it! THANK YOU Jen, Kris, Mom and Deb!!! I love you all!

Thanks to everyone who came!!! I cant begin to express how truely grateful I am for everyone!!!
Thanks to everyone who came!!! I cant begin to express how truely grateful I am for everyone!!!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
To the Museum!
Today is going to be unbareably hot and humid. We went to the beach yesterday and will again tomorrow. So we will not be going again today. I made plans with friends to take our kids to the Barnum Museum last week. Thank god we picked today. I cant think of anywhere else I would go in this heat.
I finally convinced Brian to get an Air Conditioner for our room. He came home to a steam pot last night. I told him there was no way I could make it much longer without. I can barely breath. Life in this heat is miserable.
I have been trying to think of the perfect birthday party for Owen. He will be six. It will be the end of July and I will be just about ready to pop. So I think we are going with a bowling party. It sounds like a lot of fun for him and his friends. Plus I dont have to do anything and it will be air conditioned. Sounds good to me.
I finally convinced Brian to get an Air Conditioner for our room. He came home to a steam pot last night. I told him there was no way I could make it much longer without. I can barely breath. Life in this heat is miserable.
I have been trying to think of the perfect birthday party for Owen. He will be six. It will be the end of July and I will be just about ready to pop. So I think we are going with a bowling party. It sounds like a lot of fun for him and his friends. Plus I dont have to do anything and it will be air conditioned. Sounds good to me.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Who needs to breathe anyway??
So for two weeks now I have not been able to breathe. My nose is stuffed and the stuff that comes out of it, well lets just say I have never seen anything like it. At first I thought I had a cold, then I thought maybe it is allergies.
I have diagnosed myself with Rhinitis of Pregnancy. According to many websites "higher amounts of estrogen during pregnancy can contribute to swelling in the mucous membranes lining the nose and even cause you to make more mucus. What's more, the amount of blood in your body increases and your blood vessels expand during pregnancy, which can lead to swollen nasal membranes as well. Other hormones may also play a role."
This sounds fun. So here is where the complaints start. I will not only be hot, bloated, fat and miserable for the next seven weeks I will also be unable to breathe. This should be fun.
We dont have air condintioners in our house. There usually is no need for them. We hate air conditioned air and usually prefer fresh air, even if it is hot. Well not this year. I really want one in my room. This way I have some way to escape the hot, humid summer. Then when the baby comes I will have a nice place to sit and feed him. He wont be sweaty and stuck to me while he eats. Now I have to talk my husband into this. He really believes that we only need good fans (which we dont have). He says he doesnt believe in air conditioning. Well I do and will get one!!!
I have diagnosed myself with Rhinitis of Pregnancy. According to many websites "higher amounts of estrogen during pregnancy can contribute to swelling in the mucous membranes lining the nose and even cause you to make more mucus. What's more, the amount of blood in your body increases and your blood vessels expand during pregnancy, which can lead to swollen nasal membranes as well. Other hormones may also play a role."
This sounds fun. So here is where the complaints start. I will not only be hot, bloated, fat and miserable for the next seven weeks I will also be unable to breathe. This should be fun.
We dont have air condintioners in our house. There usually is no need for them. We hate air conditioned air and usually prefer fresh air, even if it is hot. Well not this year. I really want one in my room. This way I have some way to escape the hot, humid summer. Then when the baby comes I will have a nice place to sit and feed him. He wont be sweaty and stuck to me while he eats. Now I have to talk my husband into this. He really believes that we only need good fans (which we dont have). He says he doesnt believe in air conditioning. Well I do and will get one!!!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
I feel a bit sad today. It really hit me today that all three of my grandmothers are gone forever. I have known this but sometimes it gets to me.
I am sad that my baby boy will not get to be loved by any of them the way Owen was. No one loves a baby like a grandma or great grandma. Especially a great grandma. They really know the meaning of life and love.
I keep thinking that Saturday is my shower and my Mama would be there so excited to touch my belly and feel this active baby kicking all around. She would hog him all to herself every moment that she could once he gets here. This makes me sad to know that it will not happen. I know he will have so many other people to love him and very important people they are.
I am sad that my baby boy will not get to be loved by any of them the way Owen was. No one loves a baby like a grandma or great grandma. Especially a great grandma. They really know the meaning of life and love.
I keep thinking that Saturday is my shower and my Mama would be there so excited to touch my belly and feel this active baby kicking all around. She would hog him all to herself every moment that she could once he gets here. This makes me sad to know that it will not happen. I know he will have so many other people to love him and very important people they are.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Fathers Day
I just have to say how happy I am to have celebrated today with my husband and son. I am married to the most amazing father in the world. He works so hard for us and shows us how much he loves us everyday! There is nothing that I enjoy more in life than watching my husband and his boy spend time together. Again and I cant say it enough...he is the best father I have ever met. And I dont just say that because he is my husband and the father of my child(ren). I say that because in watching him be a parent he just amazes me with his patience, love, attention, consistancy and calmness. Owen idolized his father. I idolize his father too!!!
To me this day is about celebrating the parent he is. We had a great day. We had french toast for breakfast. Then we kind of lounged around for a bit. After an early lunch we headded to the beach. It was a little bit overcast to start but after a quick shower it cleared right up and we had a great few hours in the sun!!!
All in all it was a day well spent celebrating the man we love the most in the world.
To me this day is about celebrating the parent he is. We had a great day. We had french toast for breakfast. Then we kind of lounged around for a bit. After an early lunch we headded to the beach. It was a little bit overcast to start but after a quick shower it cleared right up and we had a great few hours in the sun!!!
All in all it was a day well spent celebrating the man we love the most in the world.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
So this evening I sat at my kitchen table with my mother-in-law chit chatting. We always have such great conversations. Well we stumbled onto the topic of my pregnancy and how Brian thinks I am having a relationship with my pregnancy. Which got me thinking, I really am having a relationship with my pregnancy.
It comsumes my every thought. When he moves I feel like the world should stop. I know it does for me. I spend my days dreaming of holding him in my arms, what he will smell like, look like, act like, etc. I dream of setting up his crib in our room and giving him his own little nook. I dream of when he is sitting up and smiling, playing and just so excited to see his big brother. I spend my days dreaming about our unborn son. If I am not dreaming I am watching my stomach move, stopping what I am doing to look down at the ball of baby or feel his feet kick my side.
Since I have found out I was pregnant it has consumed my every thought. Dont get me wrong, I havent ignored my husband and son but Brian can sense that I am constantly distracted. For those of you who have had a been pregnant I am sure you understand.
So I guess in a sense I am having a relationship with my pregnancy. Brian is concerned that once the baby comes that I will go into a deep depression because I am no longer pregnant. I can see why he would think that but I will be so happy to be holding my boy that I will get over it. Now I am sad in thinking that this is the last time I will ever have a baby in my belly. Since that may be the case I will savor this last eight weeks for all its worth. I may want my baby now but I also want to cherish every moment I have with him inside the womb!!!
So last week I made a very motherly decision. I was happy with my decision. I made plans to go to the beach with my sister-in-law. I was so excited because I have seen her only one time since Thanksgiving.
The night before I got a call asking if I would like to go on a field trip with Owens class. I said yes and cancelled my plans with my sister-in-law. It was not a hard thing to do as I really felt a need to be there for Owen. I believe that is one of the reasons I am now a stay-at-home-mother. So I can do these things. I was totally bummed to not be at the beach with Sarah but felt really confident I made the right choice.
Sometimes as a mom you have to make these kinds of decisions. I will always choose my children and family to give them what they need. Luckily I have great people in my life that understand that and dont ever give me a hard time.
I am a mom and wife before I am anything else. My family is the most important thing in the world. I will always be there for them. I want them to know that no matter what they can count on me. I am very lucky that I have the opportunity to go with Owen on his field trips, coach his tball team, read to his class, and just participate in his life. I dont plan on that slowing down when the baby comes. I may not coach his tball team next year but me and the baby will be right there on the sidelines cheering him on.
It comsumes my every thought. When he moves I feel like the world should stop. I know it does for me. I spend my days dreaming of holding him in my arms, what he will smell like, look like, act like, etc. I dream of setting up his crib in our room and giving him his own little nook. I dream of when he is sitting up and smiling, playing and just so excited to see his big brother. I spend my days dreaming about our unborn son. If I am not dreaming I am watching my stomach move, stopping what I am doing to look down at the ball of baby or feel his feet kick my side.
Since I have found out I was pregnant it has consumed my every thought. Dont get me wrong, I havent ignored my husband and son but Brian can sense that I am constantly distracted. For those of you who have had a been pregnant I am sure you understand.
So I guess in a sense I am having a relationship with my pregnancy. Brian is concerned that once the baby comes that I will go into a deep depression because I am no longer pregnant. I can see why he would think that but I will be so happy to be holding my boy that I will get over it. Now I am sad in thinking that this is the last time I will ever have a baby in my belly. Since that may be the case I will savor this last eight weeks for all its worth. I may want my baby now but I also want to cherish every moment I have with him inside the womb!!!
So last week I made a very motherly decision. I was happy with my decision. I made plans to go to the beach with my sister-in-law. I was so excited because I have seen her only one time since Thanksgiving.
The night before I got a call asking if I would like to go on a field trip with Owens class. I said yes and cancelled my plans with my sister-in-law. It was not a hard thing to do as I really felt a need to be there for Owen. I believe that is one of the reasons I am now a stay-at-home-mother. So I can do these things. I was totally bummed to not be at the beach with Sarah but felt really confident I made the right choice.
Sometimes as a mom you have to make these kinds of decisions. I will always choose my children and family to give them what they need. Luckily I have great people in my life that understand that and dont ever give me a hard time.
I am a mom and wife before I am anything else. My family is the most important thing in the world. I will always be there for them. I want them to know that no matter what they can count on me. I am very lucky that I have the opportunity to go with Owen on his field trips, coach his tball team, read to his class, and just participate in his life. I dont plan on that slowing down when the baby comes. I may not coach his tball team next year but me and the baby will be right there on the sidelines cheering him on.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Week In Review
So the last week of school is coming to an end. It is such an exciting time for us but I am feeling a little sad about it. My little kindergartner is no longer in kindergarten. He is going on to be a big first grader. I cant believe it. I am so proud of all he has accomplished this year. He is reading and writing like a champ! I have seen his progress throughout the year. It amazes me.
We started out the last week of school with Black Rock Day on Sunday, June 13. It was such a great day. The community we live in is very close and look forward to this day each year.
The day is started with a 5k road race in the morning. Brian was going to run it this year but his little excursion in Boston handicapped him and he spent the day before recovering. .
The they have a bed race. People build beds on wheels and race them down the street. It sounds like alot of fun. I have yet to see the bed race.

Then they have a parade. This year Owen was in the parade with his Tball team. We were torn because he also had the opportunity to walk with his school.
This was our float for the school:

He chose tball. Brian walked with him. I observed from the sidelines!

It was so fun for him to throw out candy at everyone. He really had a good time. Then it was onto the party in the park. They had all kinds of vendors from the area serving food and lots of activities for the kids. Our school had a popcorn stand and a bounce house. That is always a big hit.

Of course Owen loved the bounce house

It was a great day. We have all made some great friends here. I think this is a place we could see ourselves staying.

The final week of school started on Monday. They have had a pretty chill week. No homework, finishing up all their activities, sending home school work from the year. On Tuesday two of the kindergarten classes went to Captains Cove for the day. It was so great that I was able to go.

The kids got a chance to see and learn about all kinds of sea creatures. They had lots of questions.

After the presentation the kids got lunch

Then were treated to Ice Cream and a magic show. It was such a great day! They all had fun. On the way back from Captains Cove the teachers brought them to the park to run off some of the sugar they ate.
And if that wasnt enough, after school that day we went to the beach with some friends. I guess when its so nice out there is no where else to go but to the beach!! I can never move away from the beach.

All in all its been a great week. One more day and the 2009-2010 school year is done!
This is going to be a fun summer! I can feel it. Pregnancy has not held me back from doing things with Owen. I hope it doesnt. I still have 8 weeks to go. I am slowing down a bit but not too much. We will see.
We started out the last week of school with Black Rock Day on Sunday, June 13. It was such a great day. The community we live in is very close and look forward to this day each year.
The day is started with a 5k road race in the morning. Brian was going to run it this year but his little excursion in Boston handicapped him and he spent the day before recovering. .
The they have a bed race. People build beds on wheels and race them down the street. It sounds like alot of fun. I have yet to see the bed race.
Then they have a parade. This year Owen was in the parade with his Tball team. We were torn because he also had the opportunity to walk with his school.
This was our float for the school:
He chose tball. Brian walked with him. I observed from the sidelines!
It was so fun for him to throw out candy at everyone. He really had a good time. Then it was onto the party in the park. They had all kinds of vendors from the area serving food and lots of activities for the kids. Our school had a popcorn stand and a bounce house. That is always a big hit.
Of course Owen loved the bounce house
It was a great day. We have all made some great friends here. I think this is a place we could see ourselves staying.
The final week of school started on Monday. They have had a pretty chill week. No homework, finishing up all their activities, sending home school work from the year. On Tuesday two of the kindergarten classes went to Captains Cove for the day. It was so great that I was able to go.
The kids got a chance to see and learn about all kinds of sea creatures. They had lots of questions.
After the presentation the kids got lunch
Then were treated to Ice Cream and a magic show. It was such a great day! They all had fun. On the way back from Captains Cove the teachers brought them to the park to run off some of the sugar they ate.
And if that wasnt enough, after school that day we went to the beach with some friends. I guess when its so nice out there is no where else to go but to the beach!! I can never move away from the beach.
All in all its been a great week. One more day and the 2009-2010 school year is done!
This is going to be a fun summer! I can feel it. Pregnancy has not held me back from doing things with Owen. I hope it doesnt. I still have 8 weeks to go. I am slowing down a bit but not too much. We will see.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Behind on blogging
So I have not had the chance to blog lately. Its not that I havent had the time its just the lack of content. I have mentioned it before but sometimes I just dont have much to say. Not too much has been going on lately. I have been busy but its mostly finishing up the school year and tball.
Owen is entering his last week of school next week. We are so excited for it to be done. He has come so far this year and learned so much. When kids enter kindergarted they are so small and innocent. When they leave they just blend in with all the other kids and are so much more mature. He is finishing kindergarted and moving on to first grade.
My guy is getting so big!!! I cant even stand it. He will be going into first grade as a big brother and completely different kid than when he went into kindergarten. I am such a proud mama! He had his spring concert today! His homework last night was to practice singing his song. I had to get it on video. He is so damn cute. Sorry its sideways but you get the idea.
Look how embarssed he is. But he did so good and is so damn cute!!!
I am now 32 weeks. This pregnancy is just flying by!

I feel like I am ready to meet my little guy but at the same time, I am not ready at all. I cant even believe that I am going to have two kids in two months.
I couldnt be happier with where I am in my life. I love my family more than anything in the entire world. I am right where i am meant to be and wouldnt have it any other way. I think I was born to be a mom and wife. As with everything in life, its challenging at times but for the most part I am right where I belong.
The summer is just beginning. There are so many things to look forward to. Owen is starting summer camp in July. Its at the beach, he cant wait!!!
This is the summer of firsts for him. He is learning how to ride his bike without training wheels. He had bike safety day at school where all the kids got helmets and a few safety lessons. They also got a chance to ride around a course. We brought Owens bike and he didnt want to ride it. He wanted to try one with no training wheels. I said ok, go ahead and he did! Like it was nothing. So we have been practicing as much as we can. He is doing amazingly!!! I took pictures from a far. He didnt see me so the pressure was off.

Now we have to get him swimming and he will be all set!
Owen is entering his last week of school next week. We are so excited for it to be done. He has come so far this year and learned so much. When kids enter kindergarted they are so small and innocent. When they leave they just blend in with all the other kids and are so much more mature. He is finishing kindergarted and moving on to first grade.
My guy is getting so big!!! I cant even stand it. He will be going into first grade as a big brother and completely different kid than when he went into kindergarten. I am such a proud mama! He had his spring concert today! His homework last night was to practice singing his song. I had to get it on video. He is so damn cute. Sorry its sideways but you get the idea.
Look how embarssed he is. But he did so good and is so damn cute!!!
I am now 32 weeks. This pregnancy is just flying by!
I feel like I am ready to meet my little guy but at the same time, I am not ready at all. I cant even believe that I am going to have two kids in two months.
I couldnt be happier with where I am in my life. I love my family more than anything in the entire world. I am right where i am meant to be and wouldnt have it any other way. I think I was born to be a mom and wife. As with everything in life, its challenging at times but for the most part I am right where I belong.
The summer is just beginning. There are so many things to look forward to. Owen is starting summer camp in July. Its at the beach, he cant wait!!!
This is the summer of firsts for him. He is learning how to ride his bike without training wheels. He had bike safety day at school where all the kids got helmets and a few safety lessons. They also got a chance to ride around a course. We brought Owens bike and he didnt want to ride it. He wanted to try one with no training wheels. I said ok, go ahead and he did! Like it was nothing. So we have been practicing as much as we can. He is doing amazingly!!! I took pictures from a far. He didnt see me so the pressure was off.
Now we have to get him swimming and he will be all set!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Memorial Day Weekend
What a great weekend we had. We were constantly busy and it flew by but it was fun.
Saturday Owen had his second to last game. His Papa came to see him play. Then after that we spent the rest of the day hanging out. We cooked burgers on the grill and drank Brians homemade limeade. Sooooo tasty.
That evening I headed out for a Black Rock ladies night out. All the ladies in Black Rock get together occasionally for a girls night out. It was so great to get out for the evening. The best part is its local so there is no hour drive home from Bristol for me.
Sunday Owen and I went up to Niantic for the day.

He braved the was freezing!!!! He didnt care. All he wanted to do was swim. My boy is definitely a beach bum. He takes after his mom. He would stay all day if he could.

On Monday we went to the parade in Fairfield. We got there a little early (like an hour). We were sitting at the end of the pararde so it was a lonnnngggggg wait. We managed to keep Owen entertained for the most part. He was enjoying the fact that he could run around in the street with no worries about getting hit by a car.

He was asking us all weekend to go to the parade. He basically said that he wants to go to the parade so he can get a "Memorial Day Gun". He must have heard that from someone at school. So needless to say, he got a 10.00 plastic gun that is really worth 2.00. In the end it was worth it because my boy had a great time.

We got to see tons of great military vehicles and cars.

Of course there were the military men which we spent the day honoring. I always get so choked up when they walk by and everyone shows their appreciation! I have such admiration for those men and women who fight for us and our freedom.

We followed the parade up with a great afernoon at the beach. We met a bunch of people from the neighborhood there. It was so great to sit back, relax and watch my boy have tons of fun.
After the beach we came home for some showers and headded back over to another beach for dinner. It was a great end to a fantastic weekend. I couldnt ask for a better weekend.
And to top it all off I didnt have to go to work today. I am done with the office work for good!!!

Saturday Owen had his second to last game. His Papa came to see him play. Then after that we spent the rest of the day hanging out. We cooked burgers on the grill and drank Brians homemade limeade. Sooooo tasty.
That evening I headed out for a Black Rock ladies night out. All the ladies in Black Rock get together occasionally for a girls night out. It was so great to get out for the evening. The best part is its local so there is no hour drive home from Bristol for me.
Sunday Owen and I went up to Niantic for the day.
He braved the was freezing!!!! He didnt care. All he wanted to do was swim. My boy is definitely a beach bum. He takes after his mom. He would stay all day if he could.
On Monday we went to the parade in Fairfield. We got there a little early (like an hour). We were sitting at the end of the pararde so it was a lonnnngggggg wait. We managed to keep Owen entertained for the most part. He was enjoying the fact that he could run around in the street with no worries about getting hit by a car.
He was asking us all weekend to go to the parade. He basically said that he wants to go to the parade so he can get a "Memorial Day Gun". He must have heard that from someone at school. So needless to say, he got a 10.00 plastic gun that is really worth 2.00. In the end it was worth it because my boy had a great time.
We got to see tons of great military vehicles and cars.
Of course there were the military men which we spent the day honoring. I always get so choked up when they walk by and everyone shows their appreciation! I have such admiration for those men and women who fight for us and our freedom.
We followed the parade up with a great afernoon at the beach. We met a bunch of people from the neighborhood there. It was so great to sit back, relax and watch my boy have tons of fun.
After the beach we came home for some showers and headded back over to another beach for dinner. It was a great end to a fantastic weekend. I couldnt ask for a better weekend.
And to top it all off I didnt have to go to work today. I am done with the office work for good!!!
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