Saturday, October 31, 2009


Well the three days of Halloween is finally over. Dont get me wrong, I love Halloween BUT...Owen had a Parade on Thursday, Party on Friday and of course trick-or-treating Saturday (tonight). Its alot of action (candy) for three days in a row. To be honest, its worth it in my book. It gives this boy great memories. That is what matters. What he probably wont remember is the costume fiasco we had on Thursday for the parade. For once we were a few weeks ahead of time and got his costume. Well I didnt try it on him when we were in the store (or even take it out of the bag). Boy was that a mistake. It was 2-3 sizes too small. We found out WAYYYYYY too late, as we were on our way out the door to the parade.

Here is the original costume we got:

We got to talk him into wearing the partial costume while Brian went out to get another costumer. There was NOTHING left two days before. After a huge melt down this is what we ended up with.

We totally understood that in Owen's life this is the end of the world. Imagine for weeks you are excited to wear a skeleton costume and you tell all your new friends you are wearing a skeleton costume but dont get to...END OF THE WORLD!!!!

What a good sport he was. We told him that he was special. He got to wear part of his costume to the parade and the rest was a surprise for school the next day. He went with it.

He actually got to mix and match two different costumes which normally would not happen. So what could have been a nightmare turned out to be not so bad. Here is the end result...what he is, I have no idea.

What ever it was he loved it. I am sure he will be wearing the mask for a long time! He really had a great time trick-or-treating. We got throught half the neighborhood and he was done. He turned into a zombie...he was just going door to door saying what he was supposed to until he said "IM DONE, can you carry me home!". Brian picked him up, put him on his shoulders and carried him home. Man this boy is spoiled!

Once we got home we sifed through his candy. Then he finally realized we had candy to give away. So we all went to sit on the front porch and give out the rest of what we had in our basket (we opened it a week ago to dig in!!!). Owen decided his job was to hand it out. It was gone in five minutes. Some of the kids really made out! It doesnt matter because in the end HE HAD FUN!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Fall is here!

I have been tweeting (heatherbois) about how cheated I feel here in Fairfield County for the lack of foliage. I am not sure if we are late bloomers or fall is just skipping us all together. I have a favorite tree in Southport that looks like its on fire when fall comes. Its the first to change out of all the surrounding trees and this year it barely changed colors and all the leaves just fell off. This weekend I went to Bristol and the trees there are beautiful. Here not so much...just more brown and green than anything. Maybe its the kind of trees we have down here. I dont know. I just know that as I drive down the road I do not see the beautiful colors I grew up seeing 45 min away in good old Bristol.

Our family loves fall (with or without foliage). It is our favorite time of year for many reasons...first and foremost HALLOWEEN (and my birthday hehe). I remember when I was young, Halloween was like (or should have been) a holiday to me. I never understood why we had to go to school on Halloween. I have a mini-me (boy version). Owen loves Halloween. Today he went on a field trip to a farm where he will get a pumpkin and apples. I am sad I didnt get to go on this one...I am sure there will be others. He is all excited to be a skeleton, I am excited to get him his costume and paint his face! He will be the coolest looking skeleton there is. Then of course there is our local Halloween parade and party at the library...I will be taking out my camera for that one! I am sure there will be tons of cute kids running around!

This is also the time of year that we start having fires. This is Brian's favorite thing to do. We love to be in the house on a cold day with a fire in the fire place, and soup brewing in the crock pot. Its the definition of fall for us. Last year I would have thrown baking a cake into the mix but this year we are on a health kick so cake will not had!

And out come the winter of the best parts of living in New England is the change of seasons or should I say change of wardrobe. I love taking out the boots and sweaters for fall. Of course I love to buy new ones too but its just exciting to put on a big cozy sweater especially when you haven't seen it in months!

So all in all we are really excited that fall is here...great things are happening for us.

Here are some pics:

My sweet boy:



Sid the pumpkin:






Notice how there are wayyy more pics of Sid than my child...its nearly impossible to get a pic of this kid!!!

My yard:

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